We are creatures of habit and tend to gravitate toward comfort, so much so that we can become comfortable in our discomfort and misery if we aren't careful. We all know someone who constantly complains about how much they hate their job, their weight, or an old friend they no longer vibe with; they've been making the same complaints for the last five years. They have made their displeasure their identity. Kara is now known as "Kara from accounting who hates her job," they're now associated with whatever they despise because that is where all their energy is focused.
Who does it serve to become so enmeshed in the things we don't want that they become part of our being? How much better to be known as "Kara from accounting who loves to paint" or "Kara from accounting who is passionate about serving her community"?
If you find yourself in a negative headspace it's a sign to re-evaluate your vision for your life. Take inventory of your values and assess how your life measures up in comparison, then release the things that do not serve you.
It seems that comfort and growth are incompatible states of being, a person seeking growth cannot stay where they have become comfortable, which means you can't take everything/everyone with you on your journey. Sometimes it's hard to differentiate a rough patch from the need to shed old skins.
Here are five signs it's time to let go so you can get to becoming a better, more fulfilled you!
1. You're ALWAYS Exhausted
When we are in alignment with purpose, it energizes us. You know the truism, "Do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life." It's the truth. Ask the actor who spends 14 hours on set or the athlete who trains six to eight hours daily. If they love it, it fuels them. Of course, they experience fatigue, but there is a difference between being tired and feeling emotionally and energetically depleted.
If you are exhausted at the thought of hanging out with a specific group of friends or become exhausted just thinking about going to your place of work, these are indicators to take note of.
2. It Feels Forced
It's important to understand that anything worth having requires effort to maintain, but any situation that makes you feel repressed and inauthentic may need pruning! All that energy allocated toward the front of happiness could be better focused on doing something you genuinely enjoy. It will add more joy to your life. You are not obligated to maintain a friendship, relationship, job, etc; you have an obligation to your purpose, and feeling good lets you know you're on track!
3. Lack of Reciprocity
Life and nature are always in motion, and everything that is healthy and life-giving has a flow. This means that when you invest your time, affection, attention, and thoughts in something, it should reciprocate by investing in you. If there are things in your life that are draining your precious energy, it's time to remove them! Although energy is limitless, your time to experience it is limited. For example, if you have expressed your feelings countless times to your partner and they still don't appreciate you, you are pouring your best efforts into a relationship that is not reciprocating. It's time to cut it out and remove anything else that follows this pattern. Similarly, if you have been working hard for a company that is making a profit but won't give you the raise you've rightfully earned, it's time to cut it out too! You don't want to waste your time being undervalued when you could be working towards a place where you are valued.
4. You're Unhappy
Happy people are those who actively make choices. They choose how they react to situations, who they spend their time with, and what thoughts they entertain. By making these choices, they are able to live empowered lives. If your current situation is causing you to feel unhappy all the time, it is important to make adjustments or let go of it altogether.
5. Your Needs Have Changed
As we progress in life, we may experience changes in our needs and desires. But it's absolutely fine, as we all have to adapt and make adjustments. It's important to frequently evaluate ourselves and determine our requirements, so we can ensure that our needs are being met. This way, we can make sure that we are still on the right path towards creating the life we've envisioned for ourselves.